Anyone who knows me might know that at the moment I am just coming to the end of my college year which is exciting stuff. At the age of twenty I have nearly finished my first year at college and will have got my National Certificate in Animal Care. Before coming to college I was actually a childminder so it was quite a change going back to education, but now I just have three more practical sessions before I finish for the summer!
As a little treat for finishing our theory classes a few weeks early one our lovely tutors John organized a trip to the zoo for our NC Animal Care groups, which was a really nice way to round off the year and to spend some time with my friends from college before we go our separate ways for the summer.
Our trip took place at Edinburgh Zoo which I hadn't been to for a good few years so it was nice to see all of its changes and see some new animal additions such as the pandas. The day stayed pretty nice for us luckily other than having to dodge a few rain showers but nothing hot tea and giggles couldn't fix! Here are some of my photos from the day I hope you enjoy them.
Here is one very sleepy chimpanzee
The little goat just didn't want to look at the camera!
My lovely friend Jordan sitting on an eagle, luckily it sat still :D
Clever little ants taking their wild garlic to their nest using the roap
Indian one horned rhino boys having a sleep
Tortoises having some dinner
The penguins in their new and improved enclosure
One of the sun bears waiting to be fed
A very inquisitive sun bear
Surely its time to eat?
Spot the sleepy baboon
Huddled up having a snooze
Yang Guang making use of his comfy hay
Tian Tian showing off her possible baby belly!
Tian Tian looking very pretty
Having a root around for something yummy!
The lookout lemur sat in his bush
Three little pygmy hippos under the heat lamp
Sleepy little mongeese
Tiny little monkeys looking as cute as ever
Outdoor enclosure for the capuchin and squirrel monkeys to play
A jaguar bum!
The painted hunting dogs enjoying their dinner
Overall I really enjoyed the day, I got to spend time with all the lovely people I have met over the year and saw some really cool animals. Trust me to fall asleep on the bus on the way home though. I will miss everyone tonnes, fingers crossed we all get on to the HNC and will be reunited after the summer!
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