Saturday, 25 May 2013

Veet Easy Wax Bzz Campaign

I was recently invited to my latest Bzz campaign for the Veet Easy Wax, I usually shave and have done for many years however I have occasionally been professionally waxed and have tried out the Veet Wax Strips in the past but found they did not work for myself. So I was pretty excited to try the product out and see how it would work for me! 

The Easy Wax kit is an electrical roll-on device which heats the wax cartridge so that the wax can then be applied and removed with the use of paper strips. The Easy Wax's advised heating time is between 20 and 40 minutes and plugs into the mains electricity when heating. It also comes with a handy stand to keep the devise upright when warming  the wax and during use to avoid excess spills and mess.

Here is what was came in my Bzz kit, including the Easy Wax Electrical Roll-On device with leg cartridge and the separate bikini and underarm cartridge. The kits also came with strips to remove wax, perfect finish wipes and user instructions.

As I do not have much hair on my legs I decided I would test the bikini and underarm cartridge rather than the leg one, I left my under arms unshaven for about a week and a half previous to using the Easy Wax so I had enough growth to be removed by the wax.

Here is immediately before and after me using the Easy wax. Saying that the Easy Wax did not remove all of my hair and I did have to tediously remove all the hair left with tweezers! So this is after tweezing also.

I left the devise to heat for 20 minutes at first but the wax was no where ready to be used so I had to leave it for at least another 10 minutes until it was usable  it was still quite difficult to apply though. Overall I found the process extremely painful and even when keeping my skin taught and following the instructions fully I have been left with extremely irritated skin.

I found the wax came out quite thick and made a mess of the cartridge, I was more annoyed that the wax was not removing all the hairs though. After a lot of time and pain I decided to throw in the towel and tweeze the hairs the wax was not removing as I did not want to leave my underarms uneven.

After my armpits were finally hair-free they felt absolutely raw, I have never had a bad reaction to any wax products I have used but the Easy Wax felt as it it had removed more skin than hair! There was redness after the initial wax which I thought would fade as the night went on however my underarms have gone on to scab and have been extremely sore. I don't know if I have had an adverse reaction or it is just a bad product but I definitely won't be recommending the Easy Wax or using it again! 

This damage was caused when I made sure to follow all of the instructions and waxed as safely as I could by keeping skin taught and pulling in the right directions. But this experience has put me off waxing altogether I will be sticking to my trusty razor to avoid any possible pain and discomfort. Even now 5 days since waxing my under arms are sore and peeling, at least my E45 lotion is coming in handy to try and keep them moisturized.

All of the views expressed are my honest opinion and I hope if you decide to give the Veet Easy Wax a go you have a much better pain-free experience! 

If you'd like to look into becoming a Bzz Agent yourself check out:

Friday, 17 May 2013

College Zoo Trip

Anyone who knows me might know that at the moment I am just coming to the end of my college year which is exciting stuff. At the age of twenty I have nearly finished my first year at college and will have got my National Certificate in Animal Care. Before coming to college I was actually a childminder so it was quite a change going back to education, but now I just have three more practical sessions before I finish for the summer!

As a little treat for finishing our theory classes a few weeks early one our lovely tutors John organized a trip to the zoo for our NC Animal Care groups, which was a really nice way to round off the year and to spend some time with my friends from college before we go our separate ways for the summer.

Our trip took place at Edinburgh Zoo which I hadn't been to for a good few years so it was nice to see all of its changes and see some new animal additions such as the pandas. The day stayed pretty nice for us luckily other than having to dodge a few rain showers but nothing hot tea and giggles couldn't fix! Here are some of my photos from the day I hope you enjoy them.

Here is one very sleepy chimpanzee 
The little goat just didn't want to look at the camera!
 My lovely friend Jordan sitting on an eagle, luckily it sat still :D
Clever little ants taking their wild garlic to their nest using the roap
Indian one horned rhino boys having a sleep 
 Tortoises having some dinner
 The penguins in their new and improved enclosure
One of the sun bears waiting to be fed
 A very inquisitive sun bear
 Surely its time to eat?
 Spot the sleepy baboon
 Huddled up having a snooze
 Yang Guang making use of his comfy hay
Tian Tian showing off her possible baby belly!
 Tian Tian looking very pretty
 Having a root around for something yummy!
 The lookout lemur sat in his bush
 Three little pygmy hippos under the heat lamp 
Sleepy little mongeese 
 Tiny little monkeys looking as cute as ever
 Outdoor enclosure for the capuchin and squirrel monkeys to play
 A jaguar bum!
The painted hunting dogs enjoying their dinner

Overall I really enjoyed the day, I got to spend time with all the lovely people I have met over the year and saw some really cool animals. Trust me to fall asleep on the bus on the way home though. I will miss everyone tonnes, fingers crossed we all get on to the HNC and will be reunited after the summer!

My First Graze Breakfast Box

As some of you my have already read I recently received my first Graze Munch box a few weeks back now I liked trying the healthy snacks but then a friend sent me a free code to try the breakfasts so I jumped at the chance! I usually just have my corn flakes or rice chrispies so cereal is usually my go to food in the morning so it will be a nice wee change to try out some porridge instead.

Here is what my box looked like, it was very nicely presented like my last Graze box. I like its natural feel and how the colours make it feel more of an organic product. The box included my 4 choices of porridge along with a how to cook leaflet which contains full nutritional information.

I was given 4 different flavors of porridge to try including Apple and Cinnamon, Cherry and Almond, Blackcurrant and Cranberry and Walnut and Pecan each with honey to mix in too. I used to love having porridge for breakfast when I was younger but always had always eaten it with a lot of sugar so it wasn't too bland, so I was glad that the honey was included in the punnet to sweeten it up and add to the fruit and nuts already included in the punnet.

The first porridge I tried was the Walnut and Pecan along with the honey and I actually really enjoyed it, it wasn't overly nutty and the honey made it lovely and sweet. I wasn't really sure how much milk to use so it was a bit of trial and error to get the amount I needed so it wasn't too sticky. I did wish the instructions on the milk in the leaflet were a bit cleared on that front. But I did really like it and definitely would try it again!

Yum yum, 
that didn't take long to finish.

The second porridge I tried was the Apple and Cinnamon punnet, I had a college trip to the zoo that day so needed lots of energy to tackle all those Edinburgh hills! The Apple and Cinnamon punnet had oats, apple slices and raisins along with the the honey, I didn't expect I'd enjoy it so much with it having the raisins but it was actually really nice I didn't notice the raisins that much and again the honey pulled it all together and made it nice and sweet! 

So far I am really enjoying the Breakfast box from Graze, they have proved to be a yummy and filling way to start the day! I will be sure to update when I get a change to munch my way through my last two porridges which are the Cherry and Almond and the Blackcurrant and Cranberry!

If you are already a member of Graze and would like to try your first Graze Breakfast box free use the code RF5T5NJ to get hold of yours. I would highly recommend giving them a try!

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Right Guard Xtreme Invisible Bzz Campaign

Recently I was lucky enough to be invited to my second Bzz campaign this time for Right Guards's Xtreme Invisible anti-perspirant deodorant! I was pretty excited to be asked to test a deodorant as I have always battled with sweating and I only have a handful of roll-ons that actually keep me dry. 

So lately I have been using the Right Guard spray over my go to deodorant spray which is Lynx Attract for Her which I love for its scent but I still don't find I am not kept as dry as I'd like, so normally I stick to using a roll-on which I find I feel a lot drier and more confident wearing. So here are some of my first impressions and my thoughts of the product so far!

Here is what I received in my Bzz kit along with a black card to compare 
Right Guard Xtreme invisible along size my other sprays.

Right Guard Xtreme Invisible claims to protect from three different types of stain including white marks, oily stains and yellow stains which can be an embarrassing problem and a big strain on your clothes budget! After Right Guard's claims I was excited to see how it stood out next to some of the sprays I have used in the past with the use of the black card that came along with the Bzz kit. 

I compared alongside my favorite deodorant Lynx Attract for Her and Garnier Invisi Mineral which I have used during exercise in the past. I was pretty surprised with the results Right Guard Xtreme Invisible was not the least pigmented on the card.

Here are the comparison results!

So clearly Lynx Attract for Her left much less of a mark compared to the Right Guard Xtreme Invisible. The Garnier Invis Mineral however left a much more prominent mark which I expected as it comes across as much heavier to wear. So after the comparison I am a bit on the fence as to whether there will be less white stains than when I use my Lynx Attract, but time will tell!

As for the smell and protection I find the smell a bit chemically compared to my regular deodorant and the smell did not seem to last for any period of time which I did not like, as being a person who suffers with heavy perspiration I want something that is going to keep working throughout the day and keep me smelling nice as well as staying dry and not having to feel self conscious of sweat patches.

Saying that so far I have not felt like I was protected while wearing Right Guard Xtreme Invisible and I have found I did sweat large amounts while wearing the product and have been left feeling conscious of sweat patches and possible odor.

I will continue to use the Right Guard Xtreme Invisible for the rest of the campaign and fingers crossed it will grow on me, but at the moment the benefits of saving my clothing aren't outweighing the fact I want to be kept dry and smelling nice throughout the day!

If you'd like to look into becoming a Bzz Agent yourself check out: